9 stats on the digital workspace

The future is bright for the digital workspace according to VMWare Inc.‘s 2016 State of the Digital Workspace report.

Enterprise mobility in 2017 is a requirement, and more and more business and IT leaders are recognizing that a way to solve enterprise mobility problems can be found in digital workspaces.

The report highlights the fact that digital workspaces enable business to rapidly introduce new revenue streams, that organizations saw improvements in management and support costs, and that nearly half of executives view digital workspaces as a way to address compliance and security risks.

Read on for nine major stats from the report.

  • Return on investment from business mobility investments averaged 150 per cent overall.
  • 41 per cent of IT and business decision makers saw improvements in total management costs after successfully executing on digital workspace efforts.
  • Only 30 per cent of their non-executing peers actually realized improvements.
  • 39 per cent of decision-makers realized cost improvements to support end-users after embracing digital workspaces compared to the 23 per cent among those who did not.
  • Nearly half of organizations (48 per cent) that have successfully executed mobility initiatives saw improvements in their ability to more rapidly introduce new revenue streams compared to 34 per among organizations that have no executed a single initiative.
  • Among those organizations executing 10 or more business mobility initiatives, 52 per cent saw improvements in their ability to more rapidly bring new revenue streams online.


  • Of those organizations executing fewer than five mobility initiatives, only 38 per cent saw improvements.
  • Concerns about security were top of mind among executives and 45 per cent of executives viewed a digital workspace solution that includes the necessary elements of security and compliance tools, mobile device management software, and identity management as a way to address compliance and security risks.
  • 43 per cent of financial services leaders pointed to identity management software as a necessary element in the financial services segment.

The VMWare 2016 State of the Digital Workspace report is a global survey of business and IT decision makers, practitioners, and influencers.

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Alex Radu
Alex Radu
is a staff writer for Computer Dealer News. When not writing about the tech industry, you can find him reading, watching TV/movies, or watching the Lakers rebuild with one eye open.

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