A roadmap for smoother sailing in the Channel

Rapidly changing technology, an unprecedented number of mergers and acquisitions and evolving consumption models have made navigating the technology sales channel as challenging as navigating a dingy through a stormy sea.

The blur of activity can make it difficult to focus. The problem becomes especially problematic if you’re trying to update a business plan; or create a brand new one. How you prioritize the challenges and opportunities can mean the difference between landing the next big account and drowning in debt.

Setting your priorities requires an understanding of all the moving bits and how they interact. It requires a snapshot of the industry that allows you to measure yourself against the competition, providing you the information you need to decide whether to chart your own course or to go with the flow.

The IDC Channel Impact Study, now under way in conjunction with CDN and ITWC The Content Experts, will create that snapshot. Drawing on survey responses from channel players across the country, IDC analysts will prepare a report for release this fall that explores challenges and opportunities of selling technology solutions in the Canadian market.

Participate in this survey and you’ll receive a full report on the survey findings, which will provide insight around:

  • Transformation
  • Diversification
  • Sales support
  • Margins
  • Cloud trends

The channel moves at the speed of technology. It is imperative to know whether you are leading, following or sailing into the eye of a storm.


The more qualified channel players that participate the more accurate and profound the results. Complete the 10-minute survey before August 18 and receive a $10 gift card.

If you are attending the CDN Channel Elite Awards on September 27, plan to come a little early and catch IDC’s  pre-award presentation on the findings. Register now

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Jim Love, Chief Content Officer, IT World Canada

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Steve Proctor
Steve Proctorhttp://www.itwc.ca
Steve is Vice-President Marketing and Communication with ITWC. He spent 25 years in progressively senior positions as a journalist and editor with the Halifax Herald, with his final ten years as Business Editor. He has published two books and his freelance articles have appeared in national and regional magazines. He has led social media and communication efforts for two crowdfunding ventures and written and directed numerous dinner theatres for charitable endeavours.

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