Are Samsung and Microsoft working on a Windows 8 tablet?

September 9, 2011

Are Samsung and Microsoft working on a Windows 8 tablet?

The VAR Guy

The VAR Guy explores the latest rumours ahead of Microsoft’s BUILD conference.

“If either Samsung or Microsoft is serious about getting its act together for Windows 8 tablets and serious about the adoption of the Windows 8 Metro interface, they both better start where it matters: developers.”

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Apple is not enterprise class


Dennis Howlett argues that Apple fails the enterprise test.

“The first is that Apple doesn’t seem to have much clue how to differentiate a genuine enterprise app from a consumer app. Net-net, it means that while vendors can and will build for iPad, they will never charge for them in any serious way via the Apple AppStore. They wont give Apple Inc 30% of revenue even though there is a strong case for arguing that’s relatively cheap marketing and distribution.”

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HP PC boss: I’m so loving being spun off

The Register

Paul Kunert reports on what HP execs are saying about the company’s PC future.

“Some resellers are privately venting some frustration – others do not seem to fazed by the whole debacle – but HP is calling for patience amid suggestions that a change in ownership could mean an overhaul of programmes, including Partner One.”

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Harmeet Singh
Harmeet Singh
Harmeet reports on channel partner programs, new technologies and products and other issues relevant to Canada's channel community. She also contributes as a video journalist, providing content for the site's original streaming video. Harmeet is a graduate of the Carleton University School of Journalism.

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