FCC wants you to use electronic gadgets during takeoff

It’s one of those scenarios where a little knowledge is a frustrating thing: you know there’s no logical technical reason why you shouldn’t be able to use your tablet while your plane is taking off, and the disclaimer about interfering with aircraft systems seems illogical in the 21st century. But you can’t fight sky law.

Well, if it helps, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) feels your pain. According to a report from ComputerWorld, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is reviewing its policy against the use of electronics during takeoff and landing, and the FCC is weighing-in on the side fo device freedom.

Previous studies on the potential for electromagnetic interference caused by portable electronics didn’t find evidence of danger during takeoff and landing, but the FAA decided to play it safe anyway.

CLICK HERE TO READ: FCC urges FAA to let passengers run gadgets during takeoff

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