Follow Friday: #WomeninIT personalities and initiatives to follow on Twitter

For this week’s CDN #FollowFriday, we are are showcasing advocates and initiatives promoting Women in IT.  These individuals and groups were part of CDN’s #WomeninIT Twitter chat today, which is part of our ongoing conversation on women seeking careers in this field. 


Out first guest expert is Fariba Anderson, CEO of Acutenet, a software-as-a-service company that works with frontline health care providers.

Her Twitter handle is: @AndersonFariba


Next is Shann McGrail, a board member of Women in Communications and Technology. As with Anderson, McGrail also has over 20 years of experience in technology, many of which have been in leadership positions.

She tweets at: @shannm


Ladies Learning Code was one organization mentioned in our Twitter chat today.  They are a Canadian organization that promotes digital literacy for women and youth through beginner-friendly tech education programs.

Find their tweets at @learningcode


The second organization was Dames Making Games, a similar non-profit Toronto-based initiative that aims to help under-represented groups make, play and change games.

They tweet at @DMGToronto


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