Hashtag Trending – Government to invest in 5G; Sidewalk Toronto holds first public roundtable; Tesla’s moment of reckoning?

The federal, Ontario, and Quebec governments are scheduled to announce a major investment in 5G technology. Google affiliate Sidewalk Toronto is holding its first public roundtable on the smart neighbourhood it’s building on Toronto’s waterfront. And the Wall Street Journal has declared last week’s CNBC report Tesla’s “make or break moment.”

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Exact details are scarce, but a joint press conference has been scheduled for Monday at 9:30 with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Minister Navdeep Bains; Ontario Minister of Research, Innovation and Science Reza Moridi; and Quebec Deputy Premier and Minister of Economy, Science and Innovation Dominique Anglade. The three ministers are expected to announce funding for a “revolutionary new project that aims to make Canada a top destination for businesses seeking to grow quickly, invest, create jobs, and expand,” and which according to a Friday press release will involve 5G technology in some way.

On Tuesday March 20th, my birthday, Google subsidiary Sidewalk Toronto will host the first of its public roundtable meetings to share updates on the smart neighbourhood it’s building on Toronto’s waterfront. If you happen to live in Toronto, you can still register for the meeting on Eventbrite, and stay tuned to CDN sister site IT World Canada for highlights from the meeting on Wednesday. So far, demand has been so great that the meeting was moved from a small venue to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, and two identical presentations have been scheduled, for 6 PM and 7:30. Sidewalk Toronto has promised to address concerns about the project during the meetings, and to ask attendees for their feedback.

Finally, a Wall Street Journal editorial has declared last week’s bombshell CNBC report Tesla’s “make or break” moment. According to the editorial, Tesla had $3.4 billion USD in cash at the end of 2017, and last year burned through $1 billion USD per quarter. And that was before CNBC reported allegations that up to 40 per cent of its parts don’t work the first time around. With those kinds of numbers in its rearview mirror, Tesla either needs to generate more revenue or raise some extra money, soon.

That’s what’s trending this week. Hashtag Trending is produced by IT World Canada. Today’s episode is sponsored by Cogeco Peer 1, the company that enables businesses to unlock their IT potential. Learn more at CP1.com.

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Eric Emin Wood
Eric Emin Wood
Former IT World Canada associate editor turned consultant with public relations firm Porter Novelli. When not writing for the tech industry enjoys photography, movies, travelling, the Oxford comma, and will talk your ear off about animation if you give him an opening.

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