Hashtag Trending – Harnessing star energy; Boeing halts 737 MAX; Google fires another activist

A Canadian company is set to harness the power of the stars; Boeing announces it is halting production of 737 MAX; Google fires another activist employee.

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Much has been said about a need for a new form of sustainable energy. And now a Canadian company has raised the funds they need to try out their new method, and it is trending on Google. The company, General Fusion, raised over 100 million dollars to build a prototype of a power plant that can harness the power of the stars. The process, dubbed magnetized target fusion, involves using the same fusion process that stars use to generate clean and renewable energy. This is not to say that their pursuit will be successful though, as this is a field that has been attempted in for decades already.

The tragedies caused by failures in Boeing’s 737 MAX model have been well documented. And now it appears that model will no longer be running down the production line, and it is trending on LinkedIn. Announced earlier this week by the company, Boeing will suspend production of the model and reassign all workers. Despite the grounding of the planes, Boeing had continued to produce them and was instead storing the 40 or so that were made each month, incurring massive costs to do so.

And finally, we have more news coming out of the deteriorating workplace that is Google these days, and it is trending on Reddit. As claims of sexual harassment have gone mainly unaddressed, many within the company were calling for a culture shift and had begun organizing protests to sway this. And after firing 4 of the employees who were central to those labour efforts, Google has now fired a fifth, Kathryn Spiers, who worked on the platform security team. Apparently, Spiers was fired for creating a browser notification that alerted Google employees to their employee rights upon hearing that Google is beginning to work with a union busting firm.


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Buckley Smith
Buckley Smithhttps://www.itbusiness.ca
Staff writer for IT World Canada. Covering the world of technology as it applies to business. Buckley is an avid sports fan who loves travel, food, and music. Can be contacted at [email protected] or 416-290-2000.

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