High tech pizza and movie combo

Domino’s pizza in Brazil is taking your traditional pizza and movie night theme to an absurd level.

What Domino’s in Brazil did was partner with local video rental stores. Yes they still have them. The partnership saw the rental companies offer brand new releases for hit movies such as Argo and the Dark Knight and get them stamped with thermal ink that was sensitive to heat and produced an aroma similar to a hot pizza right out of the oven.

This is how it worked. As the movie played in the DVD player the heat from the machine made the thermal ink smell like a pizza and as soon and the DVD was ejected from the player the viewer saw a pizza on the disk, obviously a thin-crust pizza. The disk showed a message: “Did you enjoy the movie? The next one will be even better with a hot and delicious Domino’s Pizza.”

Talk about your half-brained schemes. Don’t be surprised when it works.

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