I am a firm believer in LinkedIn as a marketing tool. Recently, however, LinkedIn has added a new feature that makes me ecstatic. Although this new feature is a very simple concept, the benefits are unrivaled.
Introducing the Ability to Publish a Post!
If you are an active LinkedIn user, chances are you have noticed this feature already. The goal in mind here is not to reveal that this new feature is available, but instead to enlighten you with tips and tricks that will allow you to optimize this feature, and in time, build your brand and share relevant information.
LinkedIn is a great tool for marketing your business online, but many of us don’t use it to its full potential. Sure you connect with people, join groups, and get involved in conversations but there is more. Being able to establish connections with people that you know, people in your target market, and influencers like journalists who cover your target market is a huge advantage that LinkedIn offers.
As simple as this new feature is, it has the possibility to make a tremendous impact on your company’s connections. That being said, when your connections include those listed above, it is imperative to ensure you are making a positive impact. A few tricks to promote a positive impact on your network include:
- Find keywords in your post and hyper link them to your Web site. It’s important to keep in mind, however, that although Google doesn’t pay any SEO value to this, they do check what is on the other end of your link. SEO rankings today are all about content and link earning – not buying. Keep it natural.
- Add videos or images to your post. LinkedIn now allows you to embed video files to your posts, which will open opportunities by maximizing the way you draw people in.
- Incorporate tags in order to appeal to a broader audience. This allows not only the people you are connected with, or the people who follow you, to see your post, but anyone who searches one of the tags you have incorporated.
- Include a call-to-action. This should incorporate your company’s access information, including email, phone number, and website address to ensure that people can easily connect with you.
The more contacts and connections you have, the more opportunities. Connect with everyone that you can! A lot of companies don’t want to connect with people on LinkedIn and have it turn into another Facebook with an endless news-feed – but that’s not what it’s about. It’s about who sees your information.
If you do it right, using LinkedIn can be a fantastic way to get your company’s name out there, generate demand for your brand, as well as drive traffic to your Web site.
Stuart Crawford is an IT services and managed services marketing expert. He founded Ulistic in 2010 and has been a regular contributor to CDN ever since.
At Ulistic, we have the expertise to help you get your company’s message out there and maximize your connections. We offer a wide array of unrivaled services and relevant content designed for your company’s success! To learn more about the solutions that Ulistic can bring to your strategy, give us a call at 716.799.1999, or send us an email: [email protected].