Memo to RIM: the BlackBerry era has ended; make a Bold move

July 27, 2011

Memo to RIM: the BlackBerry era has ended; make a Bold move

The VAR Guy

The VAR Guy shares his views on what RIM should do to stay afloat.

“RIM needs to shrink before it can grow again, The VAR Guy believes. There is a plethora of potential in QNX, the PlayBook’s operating system. RIM acquired the operating system company for a sizable sum. Now, it’s time for RIM to build a truly innovative product to somehow compete against the Google and Apple mobile duopoly. And unlike HP, where fledgling webOS products hardly dictate the financial outcome of the company, RIM must compete or die in its core smartphone and mobile markets.”

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Developer fury as Google makes Android apps vanish

The Register

John Oates reports on developers’ rage at Google’s changes to the market’s search function.

“One developer said his app had been top of the list when searched for by name or by specific keywords. After the changes, he cannot find it when searching even by the app’s exact name. Searching by developer name, which a consumer is not likely to do, left his app way down the list behind apps with less than 50 downloads and no reviews.”

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Intel grooms Andy Bryant to be next chairman


Rachel King writes about the board’s future direction.

“Formerly Intel’s chief financial officer and current chief administrative officer, Bryant has been appointed as the vice chairman of the board. Intel is gearing up to elect him as chairman next year once the current chairman, Jane Shaw, retires in May 2012.”

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Harmeet Singh
Harmeet Singh
Harmeet reports on channel partner programs, new technologies and products and other issues relevant to Canada's channel community. She also contributes as a video journalist, providing content for the site's original streaming video. Harmeet is a graduate of the Carleton University School of Journalism.

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