It’s that time of the week – another MSP subreddit roundup! The group has exceeded 70,000 members, by the way. If you haven’t joined, you can check it out here.
One of Windows 10’s sneaky default features entered the spotlight this week when a Redditor recalled how he just discovered the operating system’s Fast Startup feature. Fast Startup is a feature first implemented in Windows 8 and carried over to Windows 10. It provides a faster boot time when starting up your PC, but most of the responses in this thread suggest Fast Startup needs to perish. Other users point to technical issues plaguing their clients when Fast Startup is enabled. If this is news to you and you now seek a guide for disabling this feature, this handy walkthrough should help.
I am either going to blow your mind or you will think i am a complete idiot. from r/msp
Cyber is the top threat to national security, according to a report from the Department of Homeland Security and CISA, and China is a major source of those threats. What’s worse, there are several campaigns targeting MSPs specifically. The Cloud Hopper, for example, is still going strong ever since it was first discovered in 2014. This is the kind of stuff MSPs lose sleep over, and several Redditors pointed out how many clients don’t take these threats seriously and think the cloud is the silver bullet. One Redditor joked:
“You can’t hack clouds. I tried, the machete goes right through and does nothing.”
An Unnerving Report on Nationstate targeted Ransomeware attacks on MSP firms. from r/msp
The coronavirus has ravaged businesses across the world. MSPs can’t escape this reality either. This Redditor claiming to have just been let go in Toronto is without a doubt a microcosm of what’s happening elsewhere. Even though new opportunities have popped up as a result of quarantine efforts – setting up remote work stations and securing devices that normally live at the office – times remain tough out there. However, I’ve spoken to a handful of MSPs over the past several weeks, and interestingly enough, while many of them have felt the supply chain pinch a little, almost all of them are saying they’re busier than ever. If you want to share your story, or just chat about some of these topics or other items on your mind (seriously) leave a comment or reach out to us directly ([email protected]).
How is your MSP doing during COVID? My Toronto based one just laid a bunch of us off from r/msp