Nureva announces Span Workspace integration with single sign-on

A collaboration-solutions company from Calgary announced on Nov. 5 their Span Workspace solution is becoming integrated with a single sign-on feature, an authentication process that allows users to access multiple applications and projects with a single set of login credentials.

Nureva Inc. made the announcement on Monday morning, noting their Span Workspace solution, one of the company’s solutions in the visual collaboration space that lets users access projects from anywhere on any device, will support SSO later this month.

More than 25 per cent of organizations have adopted SSO solutions to authenticate their users, according to the Bitglass 2018 Cloud Adoption Report, meaning this announcement is great news for IT teams who are increasingly worried about security, said Nancy Knowlton, Nureva’s CEO.

“Span Workspace user-base continues to grow globally, and functionality like single sign-on is critical for an organization’s successful rollout,” said Knowlton in a statement. “SSO checks a very important box in delivering a secure and scalable solution by providing control to IT teams and convenience to users.”

The basis for the SSO integration is OpenID Connect, a basic identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. OAuth is an open standard for access delegation, commonly used as a way for internet users to grant websites or applications access to their information on other websites but without giving them the passwords. This will allow Span Workspace administrators to control user authentication, implement multifactor authentication and enforce password complexity parameters through their cloud SSO service providers.

Information about Nureva’s channel can be found here.

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