Nutanix announces its next certification program

Hyper-converged infrastructure vendor Nutanix announced today its next certification program, called Nutanix Platform Expert (NPX), one that the company says has been sorely lacking.

“The NPX program is our answer to the global shortage of enterprise architects who really understand the business benefits of software defined storage and hyper-convergence,” said Mark Brunstad, manager of Nutanix’s in a statement. “The market needs proven veterans who know how to successfully migrate companies to the same kind of efficient, scalable infrastructure used by Google, Facebook and Amazon. Our graduates will know how to deploy container technologies like Docker and Rocket and how to build infrastructure that supports legacy applications with OpenCompute economics.”

The company said that the program, which would be offered through its portal, will not only certify partners in hyper converged infrastructure, it would also highlight multi-hypervisor environments in enterprise datacentres.  In order to graduate, partners must be “experts in at least two hypervisor platforms.”

Architectural capabilities would be tested through written exams, a web-scale solution design, hands-on lab and design exercises, and even live peer review, Nutanix said.  Certification will be offered to graduates that complete both the NPX Program Application as well as the NPX Design Review.

The courses will be free of charge.

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