The future of the computer and human mind looks frightening

According to noted author Mark McClelland, society is only now starting to understand the effects of computers on the human brain.

The question McClelland asks in his new book Upload is: Will regular use of digital devices alter the course of human evolution?

In his new book called Upload, McClelland tries to explore the future of the computer and human mind relationship. And, he says the possible future looks “pretty frightening.”

McClelland studied Computer Science and Creative Writing at the University of Michigan’s Residential College. It was there where McClelland won the Hopwood Award for poetry. Since graduating, McClelland has focused on a software career but lately his says he has found it harder and harder to resist writing. The Chicago-native’s goal is to write in search of truths that defy simple, direct expression.

The MidWest Book Review said Upload is a work of science fiction about the a future in cyberspace. The book explores the concepts of mental uploading and its effects on humanity, focusing on what it could mean for love and life, exploring the philosophy of a completely online world that has conquered biology.


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