The Reddit recap highlights last week’s top trending posts on the r/msp subreddit. This is the largest MSP-related group on Reddit with nearly 40,000 members. Looking to find a quick answer to a question? This is the place to be.
Hackers breach MSPs and use Webroot SecureAnywhere console to infect customer PCs with the Sodinokibi ransomware. from r/msp
There’s a lot of chatter within the MSP community about the recent news that hackers breach MSPs and used the Webroot SecureAnywhere console to infect customer PCs with the Sodinokibi ransomware. SecureAnywhere supports 2FA, which is enabled by default for all users, but some users working for the infected MSPs had apparently turned it off, according to reporting from ZDNet.
The comments are pouring in for this thread that’s collecting some common security practices following the Webroot SecureAnywhere scare. The user behind the post wrote “We have a fantastic resource here at /r/msp to work together and help each other to be as secure as possible.”
Datto recommended by IT consultant for small architecture firm. Is he right, or would some other backup system be better for our needs? from r/msp
It didn’t take long for this Reddit user looking for some feedback on Datto to get just that. The user works for a small architecture firm and wrote it was looking for a new system to back up its servers. For the most part, the server backs up design files, PDFs, and Microsoft Office documents. Most comments were highly supportive of the Datto brand, but there are some noteworthy back-and-forths about why the user turned to Reddit in the first place to get a second opinion. One user critical of this decision wrote: “If you were going to base your decision on what everyone here tells you then why did you hire a professional consult to begin with?”