The Top 25 Newsmakers of 2006 – Number 24: Frank Abate

After a turbulent year, Frank Abate has three new business plans that, for now, are top secret

In June, he and his brother John, former owners of Infinity Technologies, severed ties with On the Go Technologies, the Concord, Ont. company that acquired the Abates’ VAR business in 2005.

The reason for the falling out was not made public, but at the time he said an issue had been “going on for well over eight, nine months.”

Reflecting on the experience, Abate said “both John and I would have done things differently . . . we were very fortunate to have a lot of good people that were with us for many years. I hope that most of those people are still doing well with the organization. [On the Go].”

Abate wouldn’t detail his new plans but said several will start coming to fruition “in the next month or two.” One of them is “a no-brainer,” he said, “I can do it in my sleep, the second should be interesting and fruitful, but the third is really interesting and has a lot of opportunity and potential for the business partners I’m involved with as well as customers.”

But for a plan to work, Abate said it has to be a three-way win – for the reseller, for the channel and the customer.

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