ViewSonic unveils its own pocket-sized VDI appliance

It seems everyone wants to get in on VDI these days and ViewSonic is no exception.

The vendor best known for displays and monitors today introduced what it calls a turnkey desktop virtualization platform that can also fit in your pocket.

The VSA100 is powered by Desktop365 technology, a hybrid cloud solution from server-based computing vendor MaximumBit, and combines compute, storage, and networking into a converged appliance.

“It is ideal for small and medium businesses wanting the benefits of next generation software defined workspaces, but without the technical complexities and high costs,” ViewSonic said in a statement.

The device is also the first solution to emerge from the new partnership between ViewSonic and MaximumBit.

Mike Holstein, vice president of business and emerging technologies for ViewSonic Americas in a statement said that the solution manages to reduce Citrix XenDesktop and XenApp installation and administration time “by as much as 98 per cent.”

“Desktop365 enables our server appliances to be deployed by SMBs with all the features, security, and performance that previously were only available to enterprise,” he added.

The VSA100 will be available in Q4 2015.

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