VMware ACE customers get a lifeline

VMware will kill off support of ACE by December of this year.

ACE customer who are looking for an alternative now have one with Redwood City, Calif.-based MokaFive who will be added migration services to its offering.

MokaFive is an enterprise data security and management vendor and have created a product called Enterprise AnyWare. This product securely updates desktops, laptops, and any other device across the enterprise. The platform provides centralized management through a single management console, while delivering a secure, device-aware, digital workspace across any network. MokaFive says that this platform creates an elastic and mobile enterprise perimeter with  less management overhead than traditional legacy VDI or mobility solutions.

In addition to replacing VMware ACE, the MokaFive platform can also extend workspace containers to all end-user devices; provides online and offline secure access to critical data and apps; manage OS migration, and centrally manage IT access to data.

According to MokaFive, corporate compliance policies are enforced through more than 30 control policy options. MokaFive is looking for new channel partners to resell Enterprise AnyWare as a standalone solution for desktop management or to bundle it with hardware or professional services. The company has provided a sales outline for potential channel partners:

  • Low cost; low complexity. Shortens your sales cycle and path to ROI.
  • Solves tricky use cases, including M&A, healthcare, contractors, BYOD, and more.
  • Lets IT departments use a single console to manage Macs, PCs, bare-metal machines, and iOS devices.
  • Quick and easy ramp-up. MokaFive gives you a turnkey system for marketing, including printed marketing materials, videos, an easy sales process, and more.
  • It’s an easy upsell. MokaFive’s ability to scale lets customers start with a small POC and add more seats later. MokaFive Suite can support up to 10,000 users on a single server.


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