Women are on the rise in the tech industry [infographic]

Just in time for International Women’s Day, some good news when it comes to women working in the tech industry – it’s becoming a lot more common to see women employees at some of the most recognizable brands in the technology industry.

In fact, women are outpacing men with a hiring rate of 238 per cent at the eight largest tech companies (eBay, Apple, LinkedIn, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Facebook, and Twitter). That’s according to research done by coupons site Coupofy.com, which reviewed 30 different sources including articles in tech publications and the diversity information published on company websites to produce this infographic.

While the gap between men and women employed in the tech sector isn’t closed quite yet, at least this suggests the trend is going that way. A common criticism of tech companies is also that while they may be hiring more women, that’s not represented in the top executive positions. Yet even that seems to be improving, with Fortune 500 companies reporting 87 female CIOs in 2014, improved from 61 in 2012.

Take a look at the other ways women are staking their claim in the tech sector in Coupofy’s infographic. Click the image below for a larger version:


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Brian Jackson
Brian Jacksonhttp://www.itbusiness.ca
Editorial director of IT World Canada. Covering technology as it applies to business users. Multiple COPA award winner and now judge. Paddles a canoe as much as possible.

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