HighTech Countdown: Snowden affair rocks cloud security

In the second episode of the HighTech Countdown for 2014, CDN takes a look at how the Edward Snowden affair impacts cloud security.

Snowden, the former CIA computer analyst and National Security Agency (NSA) contractor, became famous overnight for leaking top secret NSA documents to the media. The Snowden affair is bringing new awareness to improving cloud security and show host Paolo Del Nibletto talks to Renee Bergeron of Ingram Micro, one of the more noted cloud experts in the channel about cloud security.

Also on hand from Ingram Micro is its president of the North American region Paul Bay. Bay will discuss a recent Canadian acquisition.

The HighTech Countdown also has an in-studio guest; Candice So of ITBusiness.ca who took in an HP conference on mobile printers. Can mobility save the printer? Tune in to find out.

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Paolo Del Nibletto
Paolo Del Nibletto
Former editor of Computer Dealer News, covering Canada's IT channel community.

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