Channel Daily News

Datex bringing new businesses online quickly, and securely

Data and cyber security at an enterprise level have been a big topic of discussion this year, as we continuously hear about more and more data breaches jeopardizing people’s personal information. Mississauga-based Datex thinks its found a solution to ease some of those concerns with its security software DataStealth.

The software company focused on providing tokenization, de-identification and encryption services, used its software to help a Canadian company in the financial services industry protect customers’ information while helping meet industry audit and compliance requirements. It helped them earn this year’s Best Security Solution award at CIA.

“The DataStealth platform is a very unique approach to information security,” said Dom Amyotte security sales specialist at Scalar Decisions, the service provider that helped implement DataStealth for the Canadian customer.

DataStealth is what Amyotte called a “plug-and-play solution” that can be used with a company’s current applications or technology architecture. In order to secure data it uses a unique algorithm to secure the original information, which “inspects the data, extracts sensitive information and replaces it with a substitute.” And this, said Amyotte, combined with meeting the necessary compliance, governance and audit requirements, is what sets Datex’s security solution apart from the rest.

Scalar Decision’s customer wanted to quickly bring a new business service online for its customers while meeting privacy and compliance requirements and to help do this Scalar offered the DataStealth software. It helped by providing security for sensitive cardholder information and met Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI) audit requirements by reducing the scope of the company’s annual audit by 95 per cent.

According to Amyotte, from the first meeting it took less than 60 days to deploy the customer’s new service. He claimed that this type of timeline is typically unheard of in traditional tokenization (which is the process of substituting a sensitive data element with a non-sensitive equivalent).

Apparently the customer is looking into other ways it can use DataStealth, such as data privacy for customer’s personal information, enabling the use of cloud applications and test data management for its development team.

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