Channel Daily News

Hashtag Trending – Amazon unstoppable?; Cook explains Hong Kong app removal; Toys R Us is back

hashtag trending

Amazon may be unstoppable; Tim Cook explains removal of Hong Kong app; Toys R Us making online comeback


We have all seen the exponential growth of Amazon and all of the companies and industries they have left in their wake. And an article from the New Yorker that is trending on Google says that their continued growth may be unstoppable and outlines some serious consequences of that. The author outlines why he believes that not even anti-trust laws may be able to stop them and warns that there may not be a single industry that is safe from the all-consuming path of Amazon.

Last week saw some extreme controversy fall over Apple; but not for the usual tariff related reasons. Amid the Hong Kong protests, Apple had released an app to help protesters track the police, but then last week they removed it. Tim Cook spoke publicly about this and defended his decision and it is trending on LinkedIn. Cook explained that the app was being used maliciously by certain individuals to violently target police forces, and this is the reason they chose to remove it.

Our final story also makes its way to us from LinkedIn and it brings a tale of redemption and rebirth. After years of dormancy, it seems that Toys R Us is making a comeback in America, all thanks to a new website powered by Target. Target is attempting to leverage some cashflow out of the established website domain that Toys R Us established, and so the site will provide reviews and other original content, while any purchases made will be fulfilled by Target. Additionally, two experimental Toys R Us stores are planned for later this year.

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