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Hashtag Trending – China launches 6G satellite; Loblaws’ self-driving delivery fleet; WFH tips

hashtag trending

Forget 5G, China launches a 6G satellite, Loblaw’s will launch Canada’s first self-driving delivery fleet, and tips for setting boundaries for yourself while working from home.

It’s all the tech news that’s popular right now. Welcome to Hashtag Trending! It’s Tuesday November 24, and I’m your host Baneet Braich.


Have you heard about 5g yet? How about 6G? China has launched the world’s first 6G satellite this past month, but many remain confused what 6G even is. These cellular generations are defined by a global partnership called the 3GPP but it has yet to define 6G. What we do know about the satellite is it tests a high-frequency terahertz communication payload which could send data at speeds a lot faster than 5G. The satellite, known as Tianyan-5 will provide high-resolution images covering (4 square kilometers) a day. The resolution will even be high enough to pick out individual trees in a forest. It is still in question whether Tianyan-5 will be the next generation for cell phones.


Loblaws will be launching an autonomous delivery service in December. This will be the first move of its kind in Canadian commercial operations. Five trucks will drive on fixed routes across Toronto. This is level 4 autonomous driving in action, meaning all of Loblaw’s self-driving trucks will have a safety driver as a co-pilot, per Canadian regulations. As more shoppers are turning to online grocery shopping Loblaws says middle mile autonomous delivery is the way to make their supply chain more efficient. [LinkedIn]


Next, how can we nail time management by working from home? The answer is in creating boundaries, according to the latest chatter on LInkedIn. One tip is to set work- free times, according to Fast Company. Have some time every day, when you feel like you’re truly “off.” This could look like a break from 6 to 8 p.m. to exercise and eat dinner and then work-free time after 10 p.m. Or dedicate Saturday morning as working hours and then taking yourself off-the-clock on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. It can be a busy time but put your health first! Find out what basic wellness activities you can do to feel healthy such as getting enough sleep, going for a daily walk. The little practises can help avoid burnout and feeling unmotivated. [LinkedIn]

That’s all the tech news that’s trending right now. Hashtag Trending is a part of the ITWC Podcast network. Add us to your Alexa Flash Briefing or your Google Home daily briefing. I’m Baneet Braich r, thanks for listening.

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