Channel Daily News

Recap of #womeninIT: A CDN hosted Twitter chat

twitter chat

Updated Jan. 15, 3:05 p.m. EST: We just had a great Twitter chat on the careers of women in IT and technology, with participants creating a great conversation and sharing a lot of insights. Thanks again to our Twitter chat guest experts, Fariba Anderson and Shann McGrail. Read on for the recap!

At CDN, we are always interested in the careers, achievements and dialogue with women in IT . On Aug. 21, 2014 we hosted our fourth annual Recognition Luncheon attended by over 110 female IT executives. With this Twitter chat, we’d like to continue the conversation on women seeking and rising through their careers.

Joining us as guest experts are Fariba Anderson, CEO of Acutenet and Shann McGrail, a Board Member of Women in Communications and Technology. Both have 20+ years in technology leadership and we are thrilled to have them!

Fariba Anderson

Shann McGrail


Q1:  Why are women crucial to technology?



Q2: How do women put a fresh spin on IT/Technology?


Q3: How can employers empower women pursuing IT careers?


Q4: What do women need to do to enable themselves to succeed in IT?


Q5: What will it take to see more women in IT leadership/executive positions?

Q6: What will it take to establish a work environment where gender is a non-issue?

Q7: What progress have you seen for women in technology over the years?

Q8: Are there IT fields like the Channel that women are less aware of, and why should they consider work in these areas?

Q9: How can we help women achieve visibility within the IT community?



Q10: What else could CDN do to empower Canadian women in IT this year?

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