Channel Daily News

15 Factoids for Office 15

San Francisco – At the release event of Office 15 at the Metreon Theatre, Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) executives hammered home the message that office workers are no longer productive during the weekly hours of 9 A.M. to 5 P.M.

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer told customers and press that the new Office needed to enter the modern world because of the cloud.

Office was made available in an as-a-service model to support workers who are productive outside the office and for those users who need to collaborate on-demand.

“The modern office thinks cloud first. That’s why it’s as-a-service. It uses the cloud to remember how it used with documents and with other people collaborating and we need to support that for people at work and in their home life,” Ballmer said.To support this stance on Office 15, Microsoft released 15 factoids on the modern worker.

1. 73 per cent of business managers believe work spills over into personal time isn’t a bad thing.

2. Further to the first factoid; 59 per cent of business managers believe they make better business decisions as a result of this spill over.

3. 73 per cent of people send their last email of the day after leaving the office.

4. 56 per cent of people send their first email before they arrive in the office.

5. 98 per cent of business mangers deal with work issues via email outside of work hours.

6. 98 per cent of business managers deal with personal matters during normal work hours.

7. 52 per cent of business professionals use three or more devices for work.

8. 74 per cent of professionals have two or more devices for work.

9. 60 per cent of devices are used for both work and personal purposes.

10. 130 million workers will use mobile cloud based apps by 2014.

11. SaaS is expected to be a $92.8 billion market by 2016.

12. Seven in 10 college students believe it is unnecessarily to work in the office all week.

13. One in four believe their work productivity would increase if they did it remotely.

14. 45 per cent of workers would accept a lower salary if they had workplace flexibility and could use state-of-the-art technology.

15. In 1995 the average office space was 300 sq. ft. In 2011 the average office space is 225 sq. ft.

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