Channel Daily News

Android malware victims offered free WinPhones by MS

December 14, 2011

Android malware victims offered free WinPhones by MS On The Register, John Leyden looks at the marketing tactic. “The hubristic promotion also rather overlooks the fact that the vast majority of malware samples (tens of millions against thousands on Android) only affect Windows desktops. Perhaps Microsoft is getting back at all those Apple ads from a few years back,” he writes. What’s your opinion?

Sage launches ISV partner program for PCI environments On The VAR Guy, reports on the program. “The Sage Development Partner Program in the Sage Payment Solutions Division is getting an overhaul, with Sage inviting ISVs to submit their integrated software solutions to mitigate the hassle of the Payment Application Data Security Standard. Sage Exchangealready provides that level of compliance, and as such the company believes the new program eliminates the middleman, so to speak, which saves money for ISVs,” he writes. What’s your opinion?

Facebook launches program to fight suicide On ZDNet, looks at the new initiative. “Here’s how it works. If a Facebook friend spots a suicidal thought on someone’s profile, that person can report it to Facebook by clicking a link next to the comment. Facebook will then send an e-mail to the person who posted the suicidal comment. Previously, Facebook only told troubled individuals to call a hotline or encouraged friends to call law enforcement if they perceived someone was about to do harm. Now, the social networking giant is also offering a link to a confidential Facebook Chat session with a professional,” he writes. What’s your opinion?

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