Channel Daily News

AT&T and Sony to offer free movies for viewing on cell phones

Apr. 3, 2008
All a Mac fan should need is rose colours for his/her glasses
IT World Canada
Sharky looks at a recent lawsuit against Apple regarding its iMac monitors.

“A man is suing Apple for claiming in its advertising that iMac monitors can display a million colours. Well, he counted them and gosh darn it, they don’t! An Associated Press story says, ‘Users are fooled into seeing many more colours because the monitors use technological tricks that involve showing many similar shades at high speeds to create the illusion of the desired shade, according to the lawsuit.’”

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Who wants to watch full length movies on their mobile phones?>
Mike Masnick looks at Sony’s latest offering to stream movies onto AT&T cell phones beginning next month.

“The films are old films…(“Karate Kid,” “Ghostbusters,” “Bugsy”). While there won’t be a charge to watch them, they will include advertisements (because there’s nothing people like better than watching commercials on a tiny mobile screen as they wait to see the ending of “Ghostbusters”). Oh yeah, also, viewers have no control over the timing.”

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Amazon launches text-message shopping
Text messaging fanatics will be happy to know that they can now make Amazon purchase using their cell phones. Jessica Mintz looks at this new service.

“People text the name of a product, its description or its UPC or ISBN to …”Amazon” on the keypad from anywhere their cell phones work. Customers will be prompted to enter the e-mail address associated with their existing Amazon account plus a shipping zip code. The service then calls them and walks through the checkout process using an automated voice system. Shoppers get confirmation by text message and e-mail”

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