Channel Daily News

Five trends that will shape cloud automation

December 10, 2010
7 Tips for Succeeding as a Social Media Strategist
Erica Swallow shares Jeremiah Owyang, an industry analyst at Altimeter Grouo’s seven tips on how to succeed with social media.

“1) Be proactive, not reactive, 2) be a program manager, not evangelist, 3) educate your business units, 4) organize for success, 5) be an enabler, 6) deploy scalable social media programs and 7) transcend marketing.”

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Sponsor Post: 5 Predictions for the 2011 Cloud Automation Market
Read Write Web
RWW Sponsor shares Skytap’s predictions of the following five trends that will shape the cloud automation landscape in 2011.

“1) Usability and collaboration will become a central theme for cloud automation, 2) Functional users will continue to prefer cloud models that run their enterprise applications without any rewrites, 3) In enterprises, functional users will play equal part with IT users in evaluating and driving cloud adoption, 4) Pricing for cloud automation solutions will evolve to include per user pricing and 5) ‘Hybrid Cloud’ will continue to gain popularity among enterprise customers.”

iPad will have two percent of North American Internet traffic by 2011
The Loop
Jim Dalrymple shares how the iPad is expected to affect Web traffic in North America next year.

“We all know the iPad is a popular device and that apps are a huge part of that popularity. However, you shouldn’t underestimate the draw of Web browsing among iPad users too. AllThingsD’s John Paczkowski talked to Chitika about their tracking of iPad adoption and got some nice info. How’s this for a prediction? By the end of 2011, the iPad will generate more than two per cent of all North American Web traffic.”

What’s your opinion?

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