Channel Daily News

Four key steps in ensuring security on the Web

Apr. 22, 2008
Fake Facebook login phishing passwords
IT World Canada
Russell McOrmond provides some helpful ways to keep Internet users safe from phishing attacks.

“Watch very closely what URL you are at when you are asked for usernames and passwords, or where any scripting is in place. If you are a Firefox user I recommend using the NoScript extension so that you can control what sites you will run scripts from. You should only run scripts from known trusted sites, and not simply to look at some ‘cool video’ someone said you should check out. There are likely equivalents to NoScript for other browsers, although I would always avoid using Internet Explorer given the design philosophy at Microsoft isn’t to give you control over your computing experience.”

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108 million content creators to clutter the Web by 2012
According to eMarketer, Nicholas Carlson writes that between now and 2012, there will be 31 million more individuals who create “user-generated” content.

“More baffling yet, the ranks of people who consume this content will only rise from 94 million in 2007 to 130 million by 2012.”

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Prime yourself for security on the Web
The Register
Team Register provides some simple yet important ideologies when it comes ensuring and maintaining Web security.

“When it comes to managing the risks, simplicity is key to ensuring broad and appropriate coverage: co-ordinate, protect, train, stay up to date. Assume nothing, keep working on the basics.”

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