Channel Daily News

Google Field Trip offers quirky tips about surroundings

While Apple users are trying to adjust to the less than prime-time functionality of the new iOS mapping software, Android users are enjoying Google’s new Field Trip app, which Nick Barber of ComputerWorld describes as “quirky”:

“Field Trip provides contextual awareness,” said Archit Bhargava, a product manager with Google. “You could learn of historical facts as you’re walking or a restaurant or hidden gem.”

Users can select among categories that pique their interests including architecture, historic places and events, lifestyle, offers and deals, and others. Once the categories were chosen, I selected how and how often I wanted to be alerted. “Explore” mode offers frequent alerts about the area, while “Feeling Lucky” prompts you occasionally. You can also turn the alerts off completely.

(Click here to read: Google Field Trip offers quirky tips about surroundings)

The app, which is designed to give users more information and context about their surroundings (such as historical facts) will be coming to iOS soon, which should be welcome use for frustrated Apple Maps users. 

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