Channel Daily News

Google issues first complaint about Vista

June 12, 2007
Safari, Mozilla and Windows
Seattle Post Intelligencer
Todd Bishop gives his opinion on the possibility of Safari on Windows.

“Will Apple’s decision to offer Safari on Windows take market share from Mozilla Firefox? That was one question buzzing around Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference today, after the move was announced. I asked Mozilla for its take on that topic, and here’s what Mike Schroepfer, Mozilla’a vice president of engineering, said.”

What’s your opinion?

Google issues first complain about Vista
Tech Target
Michael Liedtke has a story about Google bring information about Microsoft to the authorities.

”Internet search leader Google Inc. is trying to convince federal and state authorities that Microsoft Corp.’s Vista operating system is stifling competition as the high-tech heavyweights wrestle for the allegiance of personal computer users.”

What’s your opinion?

Mastering information through the ages
Turbo blog
Turbo Todd Watson who led a team that developed the IBM E-business Web site writes on a variety of business technology topics.

“Okay, this was just plain serendipity. No sooner do I post about Steve Rubel’s information overload than I get an email from a former IBM who has just published his first book. The title? “Glut: Mastering Information Through the Ages.” The author? Alex Wright, a former information architect, early explorer and pathfinder on the frontiers of The abstract: What do primordial bacteria, medieval alchemists and Victorian Librarians have to do with the World Wide Web? I’ll take “Multi-Disciplinary Analysis of Non-Biological Intelligence and Meta-Information Structures” for $500, Alex.”

What’s your opinion?

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