Channel Daily News

Hollywood and high tech: it’s love/hate

Sept. 20, 2007
Trapping filesharers
LA Times
Jon Healey blogs about the love hate relationship between Hollywood and high tech.

”The spy-vs-spy world of p2p networks took a revealing turn this weekend — literally. A person or group called MediaDefender-Defenders unleashed onto BitTorrent a huge cache of e-mails — internal ones, evidently — ostensibly written by executives and employees at MediaDefender, one of the leading vendors of anti-piracy services. I can’t speak for the authenticity of the e-mails, which I haven’t yet read, or the accuracy of the reporting on them. I’m just noting the controversy they’ve flamed, or, more accurately, re-ignited..”

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Apple iPhone rebate some conditions apply
Daily Tech
If you are an iPhone owner, or are merely curious to know what the $100 dollar rebate is all about, go to Apple’s application page on its website, as reported by DailyTech, but beware–conditions do apply.

“Now Apple seems to have backtracked a bit by offering some unwelcome limitations to its rebate. The rebate cannot be spent at iTunes. It cannot be spent on Apple gift cards. The rebate can only be spent in Apple stores, not Apple resellers, and only at Apple stores within the U.S. Customers with iPhones registered to addresses outside the U.S. cannot receive the rebate.”

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Exit strategies
Tech Crunch
Duncan Riley blogs about a panel discussion focused on getting funded.

”Heather Harde is moderating and is joined by Michael Montgomery (Montgomery & Co.), Craig Walker (GrandCentral/Google), Raj Kapoor (Mayfield), Ted Wang (Fenwick), Michael Marquez (CBS) and Evan Williams (Obvious and Twitter).“

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