Channel Daily News

How Lego’s taking advantage of the gaming space

Mar. 4, 2008
Why XP was Microsoft’s last great operating system
IT World Canada
Shane Schick includes Mike Elgan’s, of Computerworld U.S. column about Windows Vista compared to XP.

“’Microsoft: I’m rooting for you. I really am. But you’ve got to get your act together with your core business and ship an operating system that works, or this could be the beginning of the end of the company’s leadership role in the industry.’”

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Lego Halo: an early April Fool’s prank?
The Globe and Mail
Chad Sapieha writes of a new version of the game, Halo. But this time, it involves Lego.

“Part of me hopes that it is a gag; the very concept of a Lego Halo game smacks of a cash grab. But another part of me-the part that derived an almost sinful amount of pleasure out of the Lego Star Wars games released over the last few years-thinks it could be a great idea. At the very least, it would be a Halo game that’s actually suitable for the millions of pre-teens who currently play the Mature-rated trilogy.”

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Another attempt to blame the video game for murder
Mike Masnick explores a case which involves a murderer, a video game and an excuse.

“Adam Thierer points us to a recent case where a lawyer isn’t arguing that his client, a 24-year-old, didn’t commit a murder. He’s arguing that the guy thought he was playing a video game. This is a really weak way to try to get someone acquitted of murder — and says quite a bit about the lawyers who would use this sort of defense.”

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