Channel Daily News

HP single-handedly destroys non-iPad tablet market

August 22, 2011

HP single-handedly destroys non-iPad tablet market


Adrian Kingsley-Hughes looks at whether consumers will put up with high price tags after HP’s $99 tablet stunt.

“People are buying the iPad not because it’s a tablet, but because it is an iPad. Apple has NOT carved out a market for tablets, Apple carved out a market for the iPad. Think about it: When Apple released the iPod back in 2001, did this create an enormous market for media players? No. It created an enormous market for the iPod.”

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Microsoft Taking in the Huddled Masses of webOS Developers

The VAR Guy

Dave Courbanou reports on how Microsoft is capitalizing on the fall of webOS.

“Microsoft wants those devs, and they want them bad. And with Windows 8 around the corner, I have a feeling Microsoft may be making efforts to put Windows Phone 7 applications in the Windows 8 app store, making them cross-platform compatible. But that dream can’t be realized with a small group of developers.”

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Google Apps now offering administration tools to all users

Talkin’ Cloud

Matthew Weinberger reports on the channel implications.

“Well, for starters, I have a sneaking suspicion there are plenty of smaller managed service providers out there who are managing Google Apps for customers that don’t need or want a paid deployment.”

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