Channel Daily News

HP’s new ePrint Web-enabled print service offering

June 8, 2010
HP elevates printing to the cloud; print from anywhere, no drivers necessary
ZD Net
Andrew Nusca writes about HP’s new Web-enabled print service offering.

“The new platform, called ePrint, allows users to print from any device to a web-enabled printer using e-mail. Each printer gets its own unique e-mail address, and designated users can use their smartphone, tablet or laptop to print remotely – no drivers necessary.”

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iPhone OS has triple the market share of Android
The Loop
Jim Dalrymple shares details around Apple and Google’s mobile operating system market share stats.

“It turns out the back-and-forth race between Apple and Google in the mobile operating system wars may not be so back-and-forth after all. A new study from Nielsen puts Apple’s iPhone market share at 28 per cent and Google’s Android at nine per cent. That gives Apple more than three times that of Google. The numbers put Apple in second place behind BlackBerry maker Research In Motion, which has a 35 per cent share. In third place is Microsoft Windows Mobile with 19 per cent, followed by Google, Palm (four per cent), Linux (three per cent), and Symbian (two per cent).”

Apple’s iOS 4 due out June 21, free to all users
Ars Technica
Casey Johnston shares some details around Apple’s fourth version of its mobile operating system, which has been renamed as iOS 4.

“As for the name, it seems Apple has decided that a new device (the iPad) necessitated a new name. When the new OS was announced in April, it was referred to as ‘iPhone OS 4.0,’ but it has now been pared down to ‘iOS 4,’ a trademark that may be owned by Cisco. Jobs stated that a Golden Master Candidate of iOS 4 would be available to developers today, with the consumer version to be made available on June 21, shortly before the iPhone 4’s release. iAds are due to be turned on a bit later, on July 1. Though some features won’t work on the iPhone 3G, the 3G, 3GS, and iPod touch will all be eligible to receive the upgrade for free.”

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