Channel Daily News

Is another Microsoft-Yahoo deal back in the works?

June 25, 2008
Report: Microsoft-Yahoo search deal back on the table
Nicholas Carlson writes a Microsoft-Yahoo deal may soon (again) be in the works.

“After a deal outsourcing search advertising to Google failed to impress shareholders, Yahoo board members – including chairman Roy Bostock – are reconsidering a deal that would outsource and sell Yahoo’s search business to Microsoft instead. This according to a report, which cites a single source – ‘one major investor who has been in contact with both parties’ – and says that like Yahoo, Microsoft is also willing to renew negotiations and even ‘sweeten’ its offer.”

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Good for Cisco, good for the Earth
Network World
Cisco Subnet recap’s John Chamber’s energy-saving announcements at this year’s Cisco Live! event.

“Cisco’s CEO John Chambers is promising to cut the company’s carbon footprint by 25% by 2012. In his message to Cisco Live!…being held in Orlando, Fla., this week, Chambers publicly laid down the plan. To achieve this goal Cisco says it will better monitor its energy use, use more efficient lab gear that eats up less energy, use virtualization technology for storage, automatically shut down idle equipment and upgrade mechanical and electrical systems in buildings using more efficient technology.”

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Hoodeo tries to match you with your ideal neighbourhood
Jason Kincaid writes about a new Web site that launched yesterday called Hoodeo that tries to match people to their ideal neighbourhood.

“The site uses a brief questionnaire to determine a user’s ideal location, and then uses real estate data from Trulia to offer a number of available homes within the region… The site bases a user’s ‘neighborhood personality’ on only 11 questions, most of which revolve around income and profession. In fact, there are only two questions that seem to be based on personal preference (‘Do you want to live in a family friendly area?’ and ‘Do you want to live in a city or suburb?’). So much for creating a lifestyle profile.”

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