Channel Daily News

Kevin Johnson’s $8.2 million Juniper payday

July 30, 2008
Does DRM and anti-circumvention legislation increase unauthorized P2P?
IT World Canada
Russell McOrmond doubts DRM will make a dent in P2P file sharing. In fact, he’s predicting the opposite.

“The USA DMCA was signed into law on Oct. 28, 1998, and nearly a decade later every report I see suggests that unauthorized P2P sharing of copyrighted files is on the rise in the United States. While this will come as a shock to people who thought the DMCA would (or think the Canadian Bill C-61 will) decrease copyright infringement, the increase seems very logical to me.”

What’s your opinion?

Kevin Johnson’s multimillion-dollar consolation prize for losing Yahoo
Jackson West has the details of new Juniper CEO Kevin Johnson’s compensation package.

“How much does one get for bungling an acquisition of Yahoo and leading a huge investment in Facebook at a questionable valuation?”

What’s your opinion?

The Mozilla CEO on His Firefox Strategy, His Google Gambit, and Working With Apple
Fred Vogelstein talks Web 2.0 with Mozilla CEO John Lilly.

“I used to work at Apple. I have an iPhone. But there are other ways of developing software. Instead of relying on individual brilliance, we rely on enabling a network around the world, like Wikipedia does. That’s a different aesthetic.”

What’s your opinion?

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