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KPMG strengthens ties with Google around ‘intelligent interactions’

KPMG intelligent interactions

Swiss auditor and consultancy firm KPMG International announced an alliance with Google Cloud Platform on Thursday.

The partnership will see KPMG providing services around Google’s popular cloud services including machine learning, enterprise mobility, and advanced analytics. KPMG will offer new solutions build on Google Cloud in areas such as customer service, contract management, cyber security, regulatory compliance, and business and process performance.

The announcement doesn’t mean that KPMG is working exclusively with Google as a cloud infrastructure provider, says Cindy Taylor, director of strategic alliances at KPMG Canada. It’s also formed partnerships with Microsoft Azure and IBM Cloud, and it’s implemented Amazon Web Services in certain countries as well.

Nor will KPMG be reselling Google Cloud. Clients remain in a direct billing relationship with Google. But when they need help harnessing the technology for business gain, that’s where KPMG’s services come in. Taylor says she’s excited to focus on applying Google’s machine learning capabilities to client challenges as part of an “intelligent interactions” approach.

“We work with Google on our client’s behalf to ingest and understand all these client interactions,” she says. “We apply intelligence to it in order to provide an immediate and valuable response to customer queries.”

As just one example of what that could mean for a business, Taylor pointed to the challenge of handling with incoming customer support requests. Those customer inquiries could be fed to Google Cloud and then machine learning could help determine the best way to respond to an inquiry, and perhaps even get the conversation started with a chatbot.

“A lot of our clients of millions of interactions with their customers and this is a great way to get engagement very quickly,” she says.

KPMG can also assist its clients in using Google Cloud while maintaining GDPR compliance.



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