Channel Daily News

Live next to Jeff Bezos AND Tom Cruise for just $165 million

July 12, 2007
$165 million to be Jeff Bezos’s Beverly Hills neighbor
Tim Faulkner has a real estate opportunity for the super rich and nerdy.

” The Beverly Hills mansion sports 6 separate residences, 3 swimming pools, 29 bedrooms, and 6.5 acres. Bezos’s comparatively modest estate (nearly 12,000 square feet, 7 bedrooms, 7 baths) cost him a mere $25 million.”

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Etch-a-Sketch? Let Us Draw You a Picture
Tony Long celebrates the 47th anniversary of the Etch-a-Sketch.

“ Along with the aluminum powder, the guts of the toy include a lot of tiny styrene beads that help the powder flow evenly when the sketch is being erased (by shaking), recoating the screen for the next drawing.”

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Who are your riskiest vendors?
Jay Cline has some security advice for companies when it comes to their relationship with their vendors.

“Security experts routinely gibe that employees are the biggest threat to a company’s sensitive information – but vendors and partners have to come in a close second. Unfortunately, most organizations don’t formally manage vendor risk. Those that do are following a simple process to rank-order risky vendors and manage their privacy and security gaps.”

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