Channel Daily News

The Reddit Recap – Azure Lighthouse, Continuum partner compromised, replacing a client’s IT team

The Reddit recap highlights last week’s top trending posts on the r/msp subreddit. This is the largest MSP-related group on Reddit with more than 40,000 members. Looking for a quick answer or some valuable input? This is the place to be.

What MSPs Need to Know About Azure Lighthouse from r/msp

Azure Lighthouse is meant to help service providers shine a light on their client’s use of Azure, allowing them to better manage operations on their behalf. But Lighthouse has a lot of layers – things can get complicated fast.

“Azure Lighthouse is the cloud equivalent of the big downtown office building installing digital locks throughout and giving your employees a single fob to be able to open a tenant’s door, as long as the tenant authorizes it first,” the post reads.

It goes on to highlight how MSPs can actually benefit from the new service. In a nutshell, MSPs can set security and patching policies, among other things, at scale much more efficiently.

Most comments suggest the new centralized service is better than anything else currently available for Azure.

Continuum used to deploy ransomware because partner got credentials stolen and did not have MFA from r/msp

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is surprisingly not the standard in many organizations.

“Unfortunately I know people with full admin access to RMM portals that find MFA an inconvenience, so they don’t enable it,” the Redditor behind the post wrote.

A Continuum partner posted a recent email that appears to be from the “Continuum Team” referencing a compromised partner that was “used to disable anti-virus and run scripts to deploy ransomware at several end clients.”

Customer wants us to staff their I.T. department from r/msp

An MSP client lost its IT expert to another company. Now that client wants its MSP partner to staff the position for 20 hours a week for three months while they search for a replacement. The MSP is even expected to go through resumes.

“Do you have any particular sections or text that you would put into an agreement / scope of work to cover a situation like this?” asked the Redditor behind the post.


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