Channel Daily News

The top five tech tools for teachers this year

August 18, 2010
iPad hits Asus Eee PC sales
Register Hardware
Tony Smith writes about the current state of the netbook market.

“Last week, (Asus) revealed its netbook sales during Q2 were lower than those it recorded in Q1, and that it anticipates Q3 sales – which includes the back-to-school sales period, traditionally a good time for purveyors of low-cost laptops – will be lower still. Eee PC sales hit 1.6m units in Q1, falling to 1.5m in Q2. Q3’s total will fall to 1.4M units, Asus said, according to DigiTimes. Asus CEO Jerry Shen said the company will continue to punch out netbooks, but of course it has its own media tablet – now Android powered – in the works.”

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Nokia unveils X3 ‘Touch and Type’ featurephones with 3G, Wi-Fi
ZD Net
Rachel King shares some details about a new phone from Nokia.

“Nokia is boosting its featurephone collection with the introduction of the X3 ‘Touch and Type’ model, which includes both a standard 12-button telephone keypad and a 2.4-inch touchscreen. As a successor to the Nokia X3-00, the X3-02 ‘Touch and Type’ falls on the higher-end of the featurephone spectrum. Not just because of the combo design, but the X3 also comes with Bluetooth, 3G and Wi-Fi connectivity.”

Teachers Pick Their Top 5 Back-To-School Tech Tools
Read Write Web
Audrey Watters outlines the top five tech tools teachers are asking for this year.

“We asked educators what is the one new tech tool they are most looking forward to taking into the classroom with them this fall – hardware or software, a new tool, or just one that’s new to their class. The responses were pretty diverse, but here are the most popular answers: The iPad: mobile learning, Twitter: real-time information, Google Apps for education: cloud-based collaboration, Blogs: student portfolios (and) Sharing and collaboration tools: 21st century teaching and learning.”

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