Channel Daily News

To ban, or not to ban Wikipedia, that is the question

Nov. 27, 2007
What certifications should I write
IT World Canada
Jason W. Eckert’s follow up entry on how to get certified the smart way.

“Certification can be useless if there are no jobs in your field that require the certification. As a result, ensure that you choose certifications that are widely sought by employers.”

What’s your opinion?

Google’s Gdrive allegedly coming; Still late to the party
ZD Net
Larry Dignan explores the rumours behind Google releasing its online storage service, Gdrive.

“Gdrive will act as any other hard drive attached to your computer. Think Google Desktop search meets storage. Google will just back stuff up in the background. No need to upload apparently.”

What’s your opinion?

Having a school block Wikipedia does not further the cause of education
Mike Masnick outlines the pros and cons of banning Wikipedia from school computers.

“If the concern is that Wikipedia may not be trustworthy, why not teach students how Wikipedia works, how to improve it and how to think critically before believing any particular source?”

What’s your opinion?

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