Channel Daily News

Video conferencing vendor invites channel to Get Social to Get Sales

Jenne, Inc., a value-added distributor of IP telephony, audio and video conferencing products, has launched a four-part video tutorial series with audio and video conferencing vendor LifeSize.

The four-part video and webinar series, the first of which is available now on the LifeSize UVC Video Center, provides solution providers with background knowledge to get them into social media in an effort to increase brand awareness and sales opportunities.

The four-part video series, hosted by LifeSize video evangelist Simon Dudley, helps resellers become acquainted with the core fundamentals of social media and explains how they can execute them in just one hour a week.

In addition to providing a broad background on business applications for social media tools such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter and YouTube, the video tutorial discusses the importance of identifying a user’s business goals – which might include increasing brand awareness, generating leads or fostering more communication among customers – and then measuring performance by establishing a concrete, metrics-based reporting system.

Megan Lueders, VP worldwide marketing of LifeSize, said it is so easy for a business to become involved with social media with a minimal amount of effort and periodic maintenance. Our new video series gives a hands on-approach to help resellers unleash the potential of social media in just an hour a week. This is a very small investment when one considers the potential return – a closer and more lucrative engagement experience among your customers and supply chain.

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