Channel Daily News

Weary Waterloo: The pink slips fly every Thursday at RIM

While it thankfully avoids the proverbial “RIM meets its Waterloo” headline, a report from TechVibes that offers an “insider view” of beleaguered Waterloo, Ont.-based mobility vendor Research in Motion does say that as goes RIM, so goes Waterloo. And right now, that’s not very good.

According to one reporter that visited the city, which once rode high with RIM’s success, today the citizenry are crestfallen and defeated. And the dean of technology at a local college lamented that every Thursday seems to be “pink slip Thursday” with a round of major cuts looming as the company, which has found it difficult to compete with Apple’s iPhone and Google’s Android OS, tries find its way under new CEO Thorsen Heins.

If Waterloo is betting on a RIM comeback to buoy its spirits, it may be setting itself up for disappointment. But on the plus side, it’s just a few months until the hockey season. Kitchener Rangers, it’s all on you this year.

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