Channel Daily News

Whoops! Check Point lets expire

It’s got to be a little embarrassing for a security company steeped in paying attention to details like opening and closing firewall ports and monitoring whether applications are behaving oddly to overlook an arguably major item like maintaining the company’s domain name, but it happened to Check Point Software.

The company’s site was down yesterday from 8:07 to 8:30 a.m. EDT on Monday, and the official word is it wasn’t their fault, according to a statement from the company posted on The Register.

In the statement the company acknowledged the site was down for 23 minutes because the domain registration expired, but it was because its domain host Network Solutions sent the renewal notice to the wrong email address at Check Point.

Since the expiration caused changes to domain records in DNS servers around the Internet, it took a while for the correct domain to propagate once the error had been corrected, the company says, so individuals seeking the site might have been unable to do so for longer. “There was no security issue whatsoever,” the company says.

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