Channel Daily News

Why Seinfeld is wrong: Your iPhone needs a house

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld recently mocked people that use a case to protect their iPhone, quipping people don’t go walking around wearing helmets for their heads, do they? Well, Macworld’s Lex Friedman doesn’t wear a helmet but he does use an iPhone case, prompting to ask the comic: what’s th deal?

It’s not that think it’s easy to make a stylish phone that’s also drop-resistant and sports a heftier internal battery. But it wasn’t easy to make a hugely successful show about nothing, either, Jerry. Until Apple can make an iPhone that doesn’t seem vulnerable when running case-free, I’m glad cases exist—sort of like a Festivus for the rest of us.

(Click here to read My iPhone needs a case, Jerry Seinfeld)

I use a case for my BlackBerry, and given the frequency with which I drop it, I’m glad I do. I’m disappointed that Friedman missed the obvious Seinfeld reference for this story though.

To channel Kramer, while I too would rather be “out there and loving every minute of it” the fact remains, “my (phone) needs a house, Jerry!”

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