Channel Daily News

Will Vista sink or swim?

June 17, 2008
Death to all desktops!
Network World
Tkopczynski offers his thoughts on the desktop and desktop computing.

“The world of computing is changing. Oddly enough, it’s almost moving backwards, at least conceptually to the days of mainframes. Server Based Computing, Software as a Service, Cloud Computing, or any other label you want to throw down is the future. If organizations do not adapt, and understand that the day of the desktop is numbered. Then they will be in for a rude awaking.”

What’s your opinion?

XP era ends: will Vista step up?
ZD Net
Larry Dignan raises the question about Windows Vista and where it stands in the market place.

“The Windows XP era ends June 30 and soon hardware vendors will be shipping you all Vista all the time (in most cases). The save XP effort failed…And now it’s time for Vista to sink or swim…Matt Asay highlights a report from Evans Data noting that 92 per cent of developers are ignoring Vista…Folks are skeptical about Vista, but a lot of that skepticism is because XP is still lingering.”

What’s your opinion?

Kids use mobile phones too much? Send ‘em to a mental hospital
Mike Masnick writes about what some parents are doing in Spain when their kids are spending too much time on cell phones.

“It seems a bit extreme to hear that, in Spain, parents have sent two children, aged 12 and 13, to a mental hospital to try to help ‘cure them’ of their mobile phone ‘addiction.’ As parents, what was wrong with just taking away their mobile phone?”

What’s your opinion?

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