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2009 Sage Insights Partner Conference

Welcome partners

During this year’s Sage Insights Partner Conference held in Nashville, Sage partners were acknowledged and thanked for their hard work and commitment to the company.

Sue Swenson, CEO of Sage North America, said that especially in these difficult economic times, partners need to get back to basics in order to stay successful.

By: Maxine Cheung of Computer Dealer News

Message from Sue Swenson

Swenson said to effectively compete in today’s market, businesses need to understand what customers want, and in doing so, they must first “go back to basics.”

It’s key that both Sage and its business partners are able to provide “exceptional customer experiences” to end-users because in tough times like today,
Swenson says this is what will help make a deal.

A message from the CTO

Motasim Najeeb, the chief technology officer for Sage North America, also delivered a keynote speech during the event, with a message that echoed Swenson’s.

“The success of Sage depends to a large extent on our business partners,” he said.
“Maintaining existing customers and tracking new ones are our main focuses now because this is how we’ll win the business.”

Working together

Swenson said she realizes the company still has a lot of work to do to meet customer expectations.
For instance, she says that customers are showing different preferences towards how they’d like to interact with Sage, such as on the Web.

“We need to continue to work together to ensure the end-to-end experience is the best it can be for our customers,” she added.

Attentive listeners

There were several breakout sessions during the conference that also highlighted various Sage solutions and industry trends.

Najeeb said that perhaps the three biggest technology trends in the market now are cloud computing, mobile technology and collaboration networks.

Balancing act

Conference attendees were treated to a Cirque-du-Soleil-type acrobatic performance after the day’s events.

Sage executives told their business partners that the company needs the channel’s help to achieve its objectives.
With that, Najeeb made a commitment to Sage’s North American business partners by saying they can call or e-mail him or any other member of the leadership team and expect a timely response.

Visit from Cal Ripken Jr.

Closing the event was a special visit from retired Major League Baseball shortstop and third baseman, Cal Ripken Jr., formerly from the Baltimore Orioles.

For more coverage from the Sage Insights Partner Conference, please visit this news article

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