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What is the ultimate goal of your MSP marketing strategy?

I get asked these questions every day: “Stuart, what can you do for our managed services business? How can you help us get more leads? What can you do today to help us reach our targets?”

Every MSP out there wants more business. They all want a steady stream of “hot” leads. But what is the ultimate goal for your managed services marketing?

It’s quite simple: The ultimate goal of your managed service marketing efforts is to increase “top of mind” awareness about you, your company and the partners you elect to work with.

Here is a quick question for you. Can you name a company that sells cars? How about a company that delivers pizzas? I am sure many of you came up with one of the leaders in these industries pretty quickly. But, what happens if we quiz your prospect base about naming an IT services company?

Crickets chirping.

Deer in the highlights.

Why? Because managed service companies fail most of the time to establish that top of mind awareness with the market place.

How do you resolve this? It’s easy. Simply follow these very simple steps:

We are just scratching the surface here.

There are a total of seven must-focus areas that all MSPs must execute on a daily basis. Chris Michalec, President of Winston-Salem IT consulting company, Parkway Tech, summarizes the importance of his MSP marketing: “It is the engine that drives our business. Without marketing, how do new clients find us and how do our existing clients do more business with us?”

Simply put – they don’t.

Ulistic provides marketing services to managed services providers. The Ulistic team acts as part of your team, engaging and working with your MSP each day to assist in providing the foundation for stratospheric success. Learn more at

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