Channel Daily News

Your online MSP newsletter is dying

Lets face it — electronic newsletters are fading into the distant sunset. Especially in Canada, where the CRTC and the federal government, with their new Anti-Spam Laws are making it nearly impossible for a business to communicate with prospects electronically.

Email newsletters are rapidly disappearing. Open rates are dropping faster than the Dow Jones did in 2008, and click-throughs are hitting an all-time low.

In light of this, how do you reach all your prospects?

One strategy we teach our clients at Ulistic is the importance of selecting a specific list of key prospects. We call this “Top Prospect Marketing.”

We learned this strategy from Chet Holmes, a visionary marketing and sales leader who, sadly, passed away two years ago. His marketing and sales process centered on selecting a “dream list of prospects” to market to.

With Top Prospect Marketing you can effectively target those you qualify to do business with now, and those you want to include in your list at some point in the future.

So, what can your MSP do to get your message across to your list of prospects?

Simple—go back to paper.

Here is what we did at IT Matters many years ago to ensure our prospects and clients knew about the services we offered. Warning: You will have to work at this. For those who are not willing to do the work, stop reading now.

These strategies will get more eyeballs reading your newsletter, and potentially get you qualified referrals and new business.

Learn how your business can benefit from Top Prospect Marketing. Tune into our live Webinar on July 10th, 2014, at 11am EST / 8am PST at:

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